Easy Free Weight Loss Tips

These easy free weight loss tips are based on my current weight loss journey.  About twice a year, I lose about 10 to 20 pounds in about 1 to three months. I am finding this diet easier than before, because I do not think about food.

Have you ever noticed that some diets constanly talk about foods?  Recipes, healthy foods, calories of foods....  Well, we still have to be concerned about calories, we just do not have to think about them so much.

For the last month, I have mostly been eating at reseraunts, or at least mostly eating reseraunt food.  Here are the basic tips to this free  easy weight loss diet:

1. Make it a habit. Eat almost the same thing every day.
2. Breakfast for me is a low cal english muffin with a bit of sugar free jelly, and a cup of coffee.  I am too sleepy and lazy to cook envery morning. What is your simple low cal breakfast that you can eat every day?
3. Lunch is always a ham and cheese sandwich with low a real small amount of fat free mayo and low cal bread, dill pickle mixed with raw carrot, about 1/2 ounce of fat free chips, a helping of fruit and one dessert of 70 calories or less such as a small piece of dark chocolate or a fat free pudding (with coffee to make it go further and slower).
4. Eat basic foods like chicken, steak pork chops, fish, but have small portions: according to The Mayo Clinic Diet, The American Association of Dieticians, and Burn the Fat we only need about 3 ounces a meal or about 6 ounces a day.  For example, a chicken breast dinner at Logans will make two meals.
5 Add low or zero calorie vegetables to make the meal go further
6. Or add salad in liu of vegeatble.
7. Have a small healthy desseret. Try fruit. Lately it is sliced pineapple with 1 teaspoon of chocolate tip.

OK Two reciepes:
1. salad:  add letuce and chopped vegetables of choice (carrots, celery, tomatoe, cucumber, peppers, wahteverer)
salad dressing for one: 1.5 teaspoons oil and about 3 teaspoons vinegar.  Whip it with fork and pour in  salad bowl with salad....I use large cool whip container with lid. shake it. A tossed salad has to be tossed.
2. Chocoate dip to last months:

2/3 cup Karo syrup
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 8 oz package of Semi-Sweet Chocoate.

In sauscepan stir corn syrup and cream and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add chocolate while stirring.

Reaheat to add one teaspoon to fruit.