How to Use a Weight Loss Calendar

I am building this page to show people how to use a weight loss calendar. In particular I would like to help those that buy or download one of my weight loss calendars.

A persons weight can change many pounds every day just because of water weight;therefore, one of the problems that some people have when weighing themselves everyday is to get too focused on that days weight rather than the general trend. After connecting the dots, try looking at the past trend rather than just one day's weight. If you are still having problems try downloading this spreadsheet that gives a running average rather than a daily results, and plotting the 7 day ave with another color pen.

Weight Loss Calendar with 7 day ave (spreadsheet).zip

Still having problems understanding how to use a weight loss calendar? Try this video where I explain how to use a weight loss calendar. Sorry, I have been a food technologist, a microbiologist, a chemist and food engineer...but never an actor.

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