Walking for Health and Fitness

The following is a web version of an ebook about walking for health and fitness, that was written by a friend of mine. If you are just starting an exercise program, walking is probably the best place to start. Walking uses most all of your muscles and it uses your biggest muscles; therefore you will get a lot more aerobic and to a lesser extent muscle building than if you were just working on a smaller muscle such as the bicepts. I particularly liked this ebook because itis in the spirit of "Ideal Weight Charts" as it uses walking charts which simplify the process of improving your waliking. Once you get better at walking you may want to move on to jogging and then running.

Why not get started walking for health and fitness now. The E-book below has a lot of information. Many People will prefer to save it and view it in pdf. form:

Walking for Healthe and Fitness .PDF

The one tool that might help you to start walking and allow you to walk any place and any time is a pedometer. Here is a web page to help you if you are wondering:

Where to buy a pedometer?


An 8 Week Fitness Training Program

By: William M. Whitmire

©2008 William M. Whitmire: All Rights Reserved

Walk Your Way to Health-No Portion, in part or whole of this book can
be copied, reproduced or distributed without the expressed written
consent of the author or its affiliates. Plagiarism will be prosecuted to
the fullest extent the law provides.



Benefits of Walking
Training Adaptation
Pre-Workout Foods
The Training Effect
Begin Your Routine
8 Week Training Chart
A Few Words about Diet
Foods to Limit or Avoid
Sensible Weight Control
Overcoming Hindrances
Maintaining Weight Loss
Tips for those over 40
About the Author

*Before beginning this or any other training program always consult a
physician to determine any restrictions your present condition may
impose on your training activities and level of exertion.

7 Benefits of A Walking Fitness Regime

If we are out of shape it is important to begin a personal exercise program.
To get in better shape we need to engage in cardio, strength and flexibility
exercises to retrain our bodies. An out of shape body can lead to
complications with our health so the sooner we begin an exercise program
the better. No one wants to get old before their time and a lifestyle that is
lacking an exercise program can produce exactly that result.

Improved Heart Functions
An out of shape heart wastes energy and takes longer to recuperate from
exercise. The stronger the heart is the better it will function in moving blood
throughout the body. Fresh blood to all parts of the body will improve the
whole human system.

Improved Lung Functions
If you are not exercising on a regular basis the lungs have to work harder to
supply the body with oxygen. Aerobic exercises make it easier for the lungs
to enrich the blood the faster oxygen can get to the parts of the body that
need it.

Improved Circulatory Functions
Without cardiovascular exercises the body’s many blood vessels can become
constricted and congested. Warming up the muscles during exercise will
dilate arteries and capillaries improving circulation so they can accept the
blood and oxygen necessary to promote good health.

Improved Sense of Well Being
A lack of exercise can produce a sluggish and fatigue feeling in people.
During cardio exercises the body releases endorphins which are natural pain
suppressors and produce a sense of euphoria in the person. A personal
exercise program will provide a person with a renewed sense of well being
and accomplishment.

Improved Strength
Atrophy of the muscles can occur when they are not exercised on a regular
schedule. A personal exercise program including weight lifting exercises will
build up the strength of muscle tissue and reverse this atrophy. Even small
weight training routines can mobilize motor units in the muscles for
increased amounts of strength.

Improved Flexibility
Sitting around is training the muscles to remain in a contracted position. The
stretching and flexing of muscles during physical exercise will train them to
be more pliable and during performance the muscles will react with more
ease and less pull. This will reduce injury and increase flexibility.

Improved Physical Appearance
Glucose is the main source of energy for the body and excess glucose is
stored as fat. During exercise the body accesses this glucose by breaking it
down and turning it into energy which results in fat loss. Consistent physical
exercise will produce toned muscles and less body fat thereby improving
your physical appearance.

A personal exercise program is one of the best investments you can make
toward your overall health. You don’t have to set any world records just be
progressive and consistent. Take it so and easy at first and gradually
increase the intensity of workouts as you get in better fitness condition. Just
remember you won’t be alone there’s a lot of people engaged in personal
fitness exercise programs who are trying to lose weight and get in shape

Understanding Training Adaptation

We will discuss in this section how the body may respond to the demands
that training places on it and the specifics you should know in order to
engage in a training routine that will ensure continual improvement while
reducing any negative effects of caused by over-training.

During a training routine the body can progress through three stages, stages
that will become obvious by very specific signs. The keyword phases and
signs are:

Alarm Phase: Sign (Out of breath)
Resistance Phase: Sign (Second wind)
Exhaustion Phase: Sign (Muscle failure)

These signs are not necessarily negative, but depending on the training
effect sought from the routine they can be. Let’s take the exhaustion phase
for example; muscle failure is a necessary component for building new levels
of strength for bodybuilders. This phase must be reached in order for them
to reach their goals of building new muscle mass. They are working at a
100% training effect.

A walking fitness regime should not produce an exhaustion phase or muscle
failure because training effects never exceed 80%. If muscle failure occurs
from a walking regime the training effect is way too high and needs to be
dropped back.

When you begin a walking regime you will experience the alarm phase and
feel out of breath but the body will move out of the anaerobic energy system
and kick into the aerobic energy system, you’ll then feel the onset of your
second wind. But this is as far as the phases should advance.

Specificity-Overload-Progressive Application

Every effective fitness routine takes into account three training principles:
Specificity: Strength, Endurance, Speed and Agility are components of
specificity. The specific goals of a fitness program should be addressed in a
training program. A walking routine targets endurance and leg strength
Overload: The work load exerted on the muscles challenges them and
therefore produces improvement. Overload should be done progressively to
eliminate any negative training effect such as excessively sore muscles, lack
of motivation or injury.
Progressive Application: Overload should be progressive. In a walking
routine the activity to rest ratio assures a gradual overload producing
gradual progress. A proper activity to rest ratio, alternating between
moderate and mild activity levels, such as in walking, ensures progressive
overload. Proper overload levels are the gateway to better fitness levels
assuming they are gradual and progressive.

Overloading Specifics:

Frequency: How often are training routines performed? A walking training
routine, at least in the beginning, should be performed at least four days per
week for maximum results.

Duration: This is how long each training session last? Ideally 60 to 90
minutes per session will achieve best results.

Intensity: What is the percentage of maximum output for the student?
(Heart beats per minute) *This level varies by individual, learn to calculate
yours below.

Mode of Training: The kind of fitness activity in the training routine will
impact the intensity. Different activities affect overload specifics differently.
The body utilizes two different energy systems to fuel exercise: aerobic and
anaerobic systems.

Anaerobic effect: The first two or three minutes of exertion is fueled by this
energy system. Anaerobic activities are characterized by stop and go bursts
of short duration. Glucose in the blood fuels this kind of activity. The first 3
minutes of walking is fueled by this system.

Aerobic effect: After more then 3 minutes of sustained activity the aerobic
energy system kicks in and the body begins to metabolize fat reserves to
fuel sustained activity. The triggers are increased heart-rate and amounts of
oxygen consumed during the activity.

Nutritional Considerations Before a Workout

Every athlete should take care in preparing the body for physical
performance. Eating an ample selection of carbohydrates, meats, fruits and
vegetables with meals will ensure enough energy is available for peak

Energy balance should be the concern of everyone involved in a fitness
regime. The amount of energy taken in and the amount of energy needed
for performance should influence eating habits. Individual energy balance is
not just affected by how much is eaten put by the proportions of
carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nutrients burned off during exercise.
Carbohydrates, proteins and nutrients are much easier for the body to burn
off then fats. For peak performance proper proportions need to be eaten to
produce an ample supply of energy.

Although there is no right or wrong way to eat before an event or workout,
considerations for pre-workout eating are: eating to be certain the muscles
are fully loaded with enough glycogen, but not so much they will cause
distress during performance and also ensuring the body is properly
hydrated. Below I have listed some helpful guidelines on what to eat, when
to eat and what to avoid.

What to Eat

Limit high fat proteins such as cheese, steak, hamburgers and peanut

Include foods with a low or moderate glycemic rating; these are foods that
raise sugar levels in the blood at a slower rate. Carbohydrates are high
octane fuel for peak performance and being aware of their glycemic >>>
ratings will help in eating the right foods at the right time. Fruits such as
bananas, apples and oranges are good examples of pre-workout foods with
low to moderate glycemic ratings.

Avoid foods with a high glycemic rating as they will give you a quite burst of
energy followed by just as quite of a crash-which could come half way
through the workout!

Eat foods that are familiar and easy to digest, stay clear of foods difficult to
digest unless adequate time is available for metabolizing.

Eating sensibly everyday will solve 75% of the energy equation ensuring
peak workout or event performance.

When to Eat

You should always allow pre-workout food to adequately digest before
beginning a workout or performance. Here are some guidelines:
  • 30-45 minutes for a small snack
  • 60 to 90 minutes for a blended or liquid meal
  • 2 to 3 hours for a small meal
  • 3-4 hours for a large meal

Always allow more digestion time before an anticipated high-level workout
then before a low-level workout. If you tend to get nervous and your
digestive system doesn’t tolerate food well before a workout or event, then
don’t eat, but make sure to eat well the day before. Again if you are eating a
performance diet of foods everyday you shouldn’t have too many problems
with glucose or energy production.

What not to Eat

Consuming food products with high glycemic ratings may provide initial
energy during performance but the energy will not last. The sugar is not
complex enough to sustain a workout of 30 minutes or more. Example foods
to avoid before a workout are: Sodas, soft drinks, sports drinks, candies,
doughnuts, cakes, ice creams and muffins. Managing your energy balance is
part of fitness; don’t neglect this important aspect of training.

Calculating your Training Effect

The aim of training is to obtain an effect on different systems within the
body and through adaptation produce a higher level of fitness.

Each time we put an increased load on the body’s systems, (bones, tendons,
muscles, heart and lungs) we create a training effect. The body adapts by
repairing the system to respond to the higher loads and exertion levels. This
how we make progress and obtain fitness results that lead to a healthier

Training effects should be progressive and gradual so no extensive period of
time is needed for the body to repair and adapt. Putting too high of a load
on the body can produce setbacks due to sore muscles, fatigue and possibly
injury. Slow and steady is the best course for obtaining consistent fitness

A very effective method of tracking your training effect is available to us; the
heart. Or more specifically heart beats per minute. Measuring the beats per
minute (bpm) we can regulate the load and subsequent training effect
produced from a workout.

If you find the pulse on your wrist and count the number of beats in 10
seconds then multiple by 6 you’ll have your current bpm. Most individuals
will have between 65-70bpm for normal, non-exertive activities. As the load
on the body increases the bpm will increase as well.

Now here’s the formula for calculating your base training bpm: >>>

Calculate your Base BPM

220 minus (your age) =(your base bpm).
This is the number you’ll be working with to calculate your training effect percentage.

We’ll us a 40 year old and that gives us a base of 180bpm.

If this is the 1st month of training; 50-60% is the maximum training effect or
90-108bpm. Stay below this number of bpm during training and don’t
exceed it. To do so is risking a training setback from an excessive load on
the body; remember we are training in a progressive and gradual manner.

Appropriate Training effect bpm’s are listed below:

Beginning Stage: 50-60% bpm: 1st month
Intermediate Stage: 60-70% bpm: 2nd month
Advanced Stage: 70-80% bpm: 3rd month
Expert Stage: 80-90% bpm: 4th month or more

Below is the every other day or 4 times per week walking program. Also be
certain to check your heart rate periodically to be certain you’re not
exceeding your training effect percentage. A Progress Sheet is Also Provided

Week 1
Walking Mode
50% T.E.
Walk 1Walk 2Walk 3Walk 4
Mild Walking 

9 minutes 9 minutes 9 minutes 9 minutes
Brisk Walking 

1 minutes 1 minutes 1 minutes 1 minutes
Mild Walking 

9 minutes 9 minutes 9 minutes 9 minutes
Brisk Walking

1 minutes  1 minutes 1 minutes 1 minutes
Mild Walking

9 minutes 9 minutes 9 minutes 9 minutes
Brisk Walking 

1 minutes 1 minutes 1 minutes 1 minutes
Mild Walking

9 minutes  9 minutes 9 minutes 8 minutes
Brisk Walking 1 minutes 1 minutes 1 minutes 2 minutes

Week 2
Walking Mode
50% T.E

Walk 5  Walk 6 Walk 7 Walk 8
Mild Walking 

8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes
Brisk Walking

2 minutes  2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes
Mild Walking 

8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes
Brisk Walking

2 minutes  2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes
Mild Walking 

8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes
Brisk Walking

2 minutes  2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes
Mild Walking

8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 7 minutes
Brisk Walking 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes

Week 3
Walking Mode
55% T.E

Walk 9  Walk 10 Walk 11 Walk 12
Mild Walking

7 minutes  7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes
Brisk Walking 

3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes
Mild Walking

7 minutes  7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes
Brisk Walking

3 minutes  3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes
Mild Walking

7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes
Brisk Walking

3 minutes  3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes
Mild Walking

7 minutes  7 minutes 7 minutes 6 minutes
Brisk Walking
3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes

Week 4
Walking Mode
55% T.E.

Walk 13  Walk 14 Walk 15 Walk 16
Mild Walking

6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes
Brisk Walking

4 minutes  4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes
Mild Walking

6 minutes6 minutes6 minutes6 minutes
Brisk Walking

4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes
Mild Walking

6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes
Brisk Walking 

4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes
Mild Walking 

6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes 5 minutes
Brisk Walking  4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes 5 minutes

Week 5
Walking Mode
60% T.E.

Walk 17 Walk 18 Walk 19 Walk 20
Mild Walking

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
Brisk Walking

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
Mild Walking

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
Brisk Walking

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
Mild Walking

5 minutes5 minutes5 minutes5 minutes
Brisk Walking 

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
Mild Walking

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 4 minutes
Brisk Walking 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 6 minutes


Week 6
Walking Mode
60% T.E.

Walk 21  Walk 22 Walk 23 Walk 24
Mild Walking

4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes
Brisk Walking

6 minutes  6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes
Mild Walking 

4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes
Brisk Walking 

6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes
Mild Walking

4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes
Brisk Walking 

6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes
Mild Walking

4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes 3 minutes
Brisk Walking 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes 7 minutes

Week 7
Walking Mode
65% T.E.

Walk 25  Walk 26 Walk 27 Walk 28
Mild Walking

3 minutes  3 minutes3 minutes3 minutes
Brisk Walking

7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes
Mild Walking 

3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes
Brisk Walking 

7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes
Mild Walking

3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes
Brisk Walking

7 minutes7 minutes7 minutes7 minutes
Mild Walking

3 minutes3 minutes3 minutes 2 minutes
Brisk Walking 7 minutes7 minutes7 minutes 8 minutes

Week 8
Walking Mode
70% T.E.

Walk 29  Walk 30 Walk 31 Walk 32
Mild Walking

2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes
Brisk Walking

8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes
Mild Walking

2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes
Brisk Walking

8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes
Mild Walking

2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes
Brisk Walking

8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes
Mild Walking

2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 1 minutes
Brisk Walking  8 minutes  8 minutes  8 minutes 9 minutes

Congratulations for reaching week 8 and a training effect of 70%! You may
now continue to progress as far as you wish. Included on the next page is a
blank sheet to record your progress week by week. >>>


Week [ 1 ]
[50%] T.E.
Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]

  08/07/09 08/08/09 08/10/0908/12/09
Completed: √ √ √ 

Week [ ]
[ %] T.E.

Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]
Week [ ]
[ %] T.E.

Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]
Week [ ]
[ %] T.E.

Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]
Week [ ]
[ %] T.E.

Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]
Week [ ]
[ %] T.E.

Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]
Week [ ]
[ %] T.E.

Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]
Week [ ]
[ %] T.E.

Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]
Week [ ]
[ %] T.E.

Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]Walk [ ]

5 Tips for Beginning an Exercise Regime

How many times have we been told that more exercise is good for us? But
we still have difficulty getting motivated to exercise more. The proven facts
are that consistent physical exercise produces numerous benefits for anyone
committed to doing it. Age doesn’t factor into the mix either. People young
and old will benefit from a physical exercise program.

Beginning an exercise program does take a certain level of commitment. If
you are going to get into better shape you are going to have to increase
your level of exercise, take some vitamins and supplements and stay aware
from the high fat, high salt foods. Exercising on a consistent basis but
continuing to eat those high fat, high salt snack foods will only sabotage
your efforts.

Sometimes people think only working out on fitness equipment qualifies as
exercise. Simply stated; exercise is movement of the body. It can be
anything from walking the dog to raking leaves. Of course making sure you
work all your muscles is important because some forms of exercise
concentrate only on certain muscle groups and avoid others. But strictly
speaking anytime you are moving your body, like with walking, it is exercise
and is beneficial to your health.

Tip #1
Make a commitment to begin: Set a date and time for your exercise
regime to begin. Mark it on the calendar and prepare for the change. Tell
yourself starting on that specific day you are going to increase your level of
exercise by beginning an exercise regime. Plan to set that specific time aside
for your exercise only. Don’t let anything get in the way especially in the

Tip #2
Choose your method: Some like weight lifting and others like treadmills
and that’s alright. As long as what you choose you choose because you
enjoy it and will stick with it. If you don’t feel comfortable with a particular
method, then find some other method. Chances are if you don’t like it you
won’t continue doing it. Exercise can be and should be enjoyable.

Tip #3
Make yourself accountable: The simplest way of doing this is to find a
workout companion. Maybe you could enlist a friend, spouse or someone
from the neighborhood who might have the same goals about their fitness
level as you do. Explain to them your intentions and ask them to join you on
your walks. Its true there is strength in numbers especially when it comes to
an exercise regime. >>>

Tip #4
Mix it up a little: If you find yourself getting bored with the regime after a
period of time mix it up. If you’ve been using the walking route, maybe go
walking in the park or on the beach instead. Find a time and place that is
comfortable for you and give yourself a little variety. Mixing it up can add
some additional vigor to your workout routines and aid in your sticking with

Tip #5
Take it slow: Many people make the mistake of trying to accomplish too
much too fast. Remember, just like compound interest at the bank exercise
too is cumulative. A consistent exercise regime is going build on its benefits
to your health. Doing too much too fast may discourage you because of the
soreness and recovery time necessary, prompting you to break the regime.
Consistency and progressive challenge over time is the best method. Take it
slow and easy at first and increase the intensity over time.

A Few Words About Diet

  • Vitamins & Minerals
  • Proteins & Sugars
If you are going to lose weight a good understanding of food and its
relationship to weight loss will help you tremendously in achieving
satisfactory results. Not all food is the same and not all food should be
ingested for the same reason. Protein and fat serve completely different
functions. Vitamins and minerals will not give you energy but assist in >>
the production of energy from other foods. These are an example of the
misunderstandings many have regarding the food they eat and its
relationship to weight loss. But these misunderstandings can simply be

Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are not really food in the definition most people
understand food to be. The importance to vitamins and minerals is to assist
other chemical functions in the body. Vitamins and minerals are essential
but don’t directly provide energy for moving your body.

The most crucial vitamins for your body are the water soluble vitamins.
Water soluble means these vitamins dissolve in water. Consequently; these
vitamins have a short lifespan in the body and must be replaced on a regular
basis, often daily. Vitamins B, C & E are water soluble vitamins and are
major contributors in your body, they perform many important functions.
Lack of these vitamins can cause many health problems for you.

The body needs more then just vitamins it also needs minerals such as iron,
potassium and zinc. Just as with vitamins, minerals help the body to perform

the necessary functions to stay healthy. Minerals are mostly insoluble in
water and remain in the body for longer periods of time. This also can lead
to toxicity if take in large quantities. Following the recommended daily doses
of your minerals will avoid complications from taking too much. Minerals like
vitamins support many important functions in the body including energy
production but don’t provide the energy directly.

Vitamins and minerals can be derived from many sources in your diet. The
highest sources are fruits and vegetables but meats, fish and poultry contain
them as well. If you have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables you will
certainly increase the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Proteins & Sugars
Let’s discuss proteins and dispel the myth that protein bars or drinks give
you energy-they don’t. Proteins are stringed amino-acids, about 20 of them.
They are the building block of muscles, tissue and bone. But one thing they
don’t do is provide the body with energy. Proteins build the body. Some
diets that severely restrict carbohydrate intake and increase protein
consumption are relying on the body to seek its energy source in stored fat.
That is how you lose weight from a high protein diet. Unfortunately no one
can keep it up for long and they end up putting the weight back on. A more
sensible approach with balance is necessary.

Sugar otherwise known as glucose is the source of the body’s energy.
Energy is metabolized from glucose and not from protein, vitamins or
minerals. There are simple sugars and there are complex sugars. Simple
sugars metabolize quickly and make their way into the blood stream fast.
They provide a quick source of energy for the body, about 3 minutes worth.
More complex sugars require a longer period of time to metabolize and
provide a more sustained amount of energy. The amount of oxygen in the
bloodstream determines which energy system is used. Eating too much
sugar can cause weight gain because it invokes insulin injected into the
bloodstream which breaks down the sugar and stores it away as fat. Cutting
down on simple sugar and eating low fat meals will stop more fat from going
in. Complex sugars are slow burning and begin to metabolize energy when
your heart rate is raised for a sustained period during exercise. Sustained
exercise will begin to burn the fat already stored. When you are burning
simple glucose it is known as anaerobic (low oxygen) but when you are
burning complex glucose or fat it is aerobic (oxygen rich).

Knowing how to lose weight means doing aerobic exercises, eating balanced
meals and providing the body with what it needs. A balanced diet combined
with a moderate exercise program will help you succeed in reaching your
weight loss goals.

Foods to Limit or Avoid Altogether

Before engaging in a weight loss program you should be armed with the
knowledge of the different types of fat. The most unsuspecting foods can
contain large amounts of fat and can actually suspend your weight loss
program success. Knowing what type of fat is actually in the food you’re
eating can greatly promote success.

  • Saturated fat
  • Polyunsaturated fat
  • Hydrogenated fat
  • Trans-fatty Acids

Saturated Fat
The source of saturated fat is found mostly in foods from animals. Certain
plants can also be the source of saturated fats. Saturated fat sources from
animals include beef, beef fat, veal, lamb, pork, lard, poultry fat, butter,
cream, milk, cheeses and dairy products made from whole milk. Plants that
contain saturated fat are coconut, coconut oil, cocoa butter, palm oil and
palm kernel oil. Saturated fats are sticky fats; the cells stick to each other
and can adhere to blood vessel walls producing blockages if the amount in a
diet is over recommended limits. Foods that contain saturated fats can
contain dietary cholesterol which can suspend your weight loss as well as
contribute to high blood pressure. If the amounts of saturated fat in a diet
are regulated they can fulfill essential functions toward good health.

Unsaturated Fat
Unsaturated fats in a diet can actually help to lower blood pressure and
cholesterol levels which in turn will help promote your weight loss program
results. This type of fat comes in two varieties: monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated. They're found in many fish, nuts, seeds and oils. Examples
of foods that contain unsaturated fats include salmon, trout, herring,
avocados, olives, walnuts. Oils containing unsaturated fats are soybean,
corn, safflower, canola, olive and sunflower. Unsaturated fat sources contain
both Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids promote
health, lower blood pressure and help to reduce cholesterol levels in the
blood stream. Energy production in the body improves when the
recommended level of essential fatty acids are included as part of a healthy

Hydrogenated fat
During the processing of foods; hydrogen is injected into the saturated fats
and consequently changes it on a molecular level. This chemical process is
called hydrogenation. The saturated fats in margarine and shortening very
commonly go through the hydrogenation process. Hydrogenated fats are not
productive for a weight loss program as these fats will raise blood
cholesterol. It has been found also that hydrogenation produces trans-fatty
acids making margarine and shortening a major source of trans-fatty acids.

Trans-Fatty Acids

Small amounts of Trans-fatty acids are found in beef, pork lamb, butter and
milk. Trans-fatty acids are also formed during the process of hydrogenation.
The trans-fatty acids lower the good HDL in the blood stream and raise the
bad LDL cholesterol in the blood stream. Raising cholesterol levels in the
blood stream is not productive toward weight loss success. Including non-
hydrogenated foods and limited amounts of saturated fats in your diet will
go a long way toward promoting continued results in your weight loss

Sensible Weight Control Components

A day doesn’t go by without someone I run into tells me how they are trying
to lose weight and get into better shape. The amazing thing about it is; for
every person that has shared this goal with me seems to have a different
idea on exactly how to go about losing weight and getting into better shape.
Some of them are using Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers or the South Beach
diet. Most of them unfortunately are missing some key components from
their weight loss program that would otherwise help them to achieve their
goals and realize lasting results. Here I explain some of those essential

  • Stay Hydrated:
  • Vitamins & Minerals:
  • Protein & Carbohydrates:
  • Stretching:
  • Weight Training:
  • Aerobic Exercise:
  • Rest:

Stay Hydrated: Water is among the top most important bodily needs to live
and survive. Many folks are walking around in a constant state of
dehydration and don’t realize it. Yes, your body needs water to survive, but
equally as important it needs the water to perform many important
functions. As an example; muscles are 90% water and dehydration can
diminish their ability to function as designed. It is important that you drink
plenty of water each day; about 8 full glasses.

Vitamins & Minerals: The food we are consuming these days,
unfortunately, much of it doesn’t have the vitamins and minerals necessary
for the body to function at peak performance. Your body will need
supplements if you are to maintain good health. Vitamins C, D & E will be
necessary along with niacin and iron to help the body to perform important
metabolic functions.

Protein & Carbohydrates: A balance of meats, vegetables, nuts and grains
are crucial to any long term weight loss program. The body needs amino-
acids to build new cells and muscles as well as the glucose carbohydrates
provide for the production of energy. An imbalance of protein and
carbohydrates is not a long term weight loss strategy that anyone can
maintain. Eventually the body will breakdown from the depletion of one or
the other.

Stretching: Your muscles store a lot of kinetic energy and stretching is one
of the most efficient methods for releasing this energy. Stretching provides
many other benefits such as more flexible tendons and muscle fibers. The
benefits of stretching regularly can enhance performance and help you avoid
injury. Daily stretching is a key component to any successful exercise
routine or weight loss program.

Weight Training: Many people in the past have avoided weight training
because they thought they would develop gigantic muscles. But the fact is
weight training accelerates the metabolism faster then any other kind of
exercise. Working the muscles progressively and consistently will burn a lot
of calories in a short period of time. Also stronger muscles are healthier
muscles and will reward you with a better looking physique. Start up slow
and build up the intensity as you progress.

Aerobic Exercise: Participating in an exercise program that is aerobic will
help you burn fat your body has already stored away. Just 20 minutes a day,
3 days a week and you can lose 2 to 3 pounds of excess body fat. Both the
regularity and duration of your aerobic workouts are important if you want
to see consistent weight loss results. Once you begin an aerobic exercise
program then stick with it.

Rest: This is one of the most neglected and overlooked aspect of a weight
loss program. Rest is the time for the body to repair, replace and rejuvenate
the bones, muscles and tissues. At least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per
night is mandatory for each individual. You will have more energy and
enthusiasm if you make getting sufficient amounts of rest just as important
as the any other component of your weight loss program.

A more broad perspective regarding your weight and your daily habits can
help you to achieve more satisfying and consistent results. Start off both
slowly and gradually when it comes to making changes. The body reacts to
small changes much better then abrupt ones and small changes are easier to
live up to as well. Embracing the 7 components listed above and giving
them their rightful place in your weight loss program will help you achieve
the results you desire.

How to Overcome Weight Loss Hindrances

Everyone who has ever been on a weight loss or exercise program has run
into hindrances and setbacks that impede their progress. But there is a way
to pick up the pieces and find the courage to move forward again. Here are
5 areas to consider when you need to begin again after a setback.

  • Find the Trigger
  • Find a Strategy
  • Find the Motivation
  • Find the Commitment
  • Find the Time

Find the Trigger
Something caused you to backslide from you program. It may be a person, a
situation or an emotional event. Either way understanding what triggered
you to let go of the momentum you built into your weight loss program is
important. It is important so you can get to know you better. Find out what
happened before, during and after to cause the setback. Once you have
identified the trigger you will have some knowledge about yourself that you
didn’t have before. This new knowledge will let you move forward armed for
success. By discovering the trigger you can take precautions not to let it
influence your behavior in the same way again.

Find a Strategy
Many times a setback is caused by not having a coping strategy directly
related to food or exercise. If certain emotions trip you up; then a coping
strategy for certain emotions will be necessary. If certain people or places
trip you up and make you more prone to backsliding, then a coping strategy
for them will be necessary. Staying focused and being able to deal with
those sensitive triggers will be crucial. Try to relax and take a few deep
breaths and focus on the goal. Visualize what it’s going to be like to enjoy
the reward of your successful efforts. Put some insulation between the
hindrance and you while moving forward in the right direction.

Find the Motivation
Take some time and ask yourself the important question; why am I doing
this? What is the motive for eating healthy and losing weight? It is probably
a biggie and will provide you with the energy to carry on and through to the
end. Sometimes you are going to have to remind yourself why you are doing
it and why it is important to be successful. If you feel you are losing ground
stop and remind yourself why you need to do this. Remind yourself of the
benefits and what waits for you at the finish line.

Find the Commitment

If you have found the center of your motivation then it will be easy to get
committed. You either want to see it through to the end or you don’t. You
may be motivated to get into better shape and loss weight but until you
make the commitment to do so it will not happen. If your motive is
important enough it is time to recommit and make the decision to pick up
the pieces and begin again. Learn from the setback but put it behind you
now. Commit to moving forward with a renewed determination and focus.

Find the Time
Until you actually meet the goals you have made for yourself they become
the priority. If you don’t set aside the time to exercise or plan your meals it
just won’t happen. Set aside the proper time to plan your meals
appropriately, put aside the 20 minutes 3 times a week for your weight
training and cardio. Don’t let any little thing get in the way and rob you of
the time you need. Explain your goals to those closest to you so they can
support you by giving you the time needed. Finding the time is a big chunk
of the challenge but if you can it will enhance your chances of getting back
on the right path.

How to Maintain Your Weight Loss

  • Stay Focused and Committed
  • Appreciate Your Accomplishment
  • Help Others to Achieve

Stay Focused and Committed
You have worked hard to get where you are and you’ve sacrificed a lot to
achieve the results of your fat loss. Now is not the time to lose your focus
and perhaps drift back into old eating or exercise habits. Stay focused on
maintaining your fat loss by continuing to eat healthy, exercise regularly and
take care of your body. It is far easier to maintain your fat loss now that you
have achieved it then to lose it in the first place. Am I right?

Now that you are in the habit of being careful about the ingredients in your
food; stay with it. Continue to bring the food under your watchful eye being
certain your meals don’t contain large amounts of saturated fat and salt. It
will be worth it and the fat loss will remain loss.

If the temptation to backslide becomes overwhelming for you sit down and
recommit yourself to the goals you set and move forward toward the
maintenance of those goals. You have been through the most difficult part of
the process and now you can keep it off with the same focus and
commitment you have already displayed.

Appreciate Your Accomplishment

Many will struggle their whole lives and never quite reach the goal that you
have accomplished. Give yourself credit for the truly great achievement you
have accomplished. Go ahead, pat yourself on the back and be happy with
the results. The hardest part of your journey is already behind you. Now you
can move forward and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

You can remember where you were and how badly you wanted to be
successful with the fat loss program. Well now you are on the other side of
the fat loss challenge. But don’t forget to reinforce the new eating and
exercise habits you have developed. These new habits will be the key to
your continued success in maintaining the fat loss. The amount of focus and
commitment you have expressed in your accomplishment is quite an
achievement and you should remind yourself of it often.

It took a lot of energy and dedication to your goal to get through this
challenge and now is the time to maintain the new habits and new
relationship with food. Many challenges may be ahead but fat loss doesn’t
have to be one of them for you. Continuing to eat balanced and healthy
meals as well as performing your regular exercise program will safeguard
the accomplishment you have achieved and secure its proper place in your

Help Others to Achieve

A great way to keep yourself motivated to maintain your fat loss is to help
someone achieve the same results. You know how difficult the process can
be and sometimes going it alone can be difficult. You have been there and
gone through the challenges successfully, now you could really help
someone else to feel the enthusiasm and satisfaction you have experienced.
By modeling how a person successfully accomplishes fat loss and keeps it off
can provide a tremendous amount of encouragement for another. Don’t
underestimate what you may have to contribute to the fat loss success of
someone else. You will feel wonderful when you have played an important
part in helping someone with their fat loss success story.

Training Tips for Men and Women over 40

Understanding and identifying desire is important before you begin training
over 40. A fitness training program is a very approachable endeavor and you
are to be commended for considering one. But understand one thing:
everything we do is the direct result of desire, the desire to avoid some kind
of pain or embrace some kind of pleasure. Identifying the painful and/or
pleasurable reasons for considering fitness over 40 and aligning yourself
correctly will put the power of desire to work for you. Maybe your desire for
training over 40 means looking better physically (pleasure) and feeling less
self-conscious (pain). That’s a realistic assessment and one a lot of people
have in common. Clarifying the desire up front will help you later in
developing commitment. >>>

Having the desire to begin training over 40 is one thing, having the
motivation to begin is quite another. I might feel good when I think about
having a better looking physique (pleasure). I certainly might feel bad when
I feel self-conscious about my physique (pain), but am I willing to do
something about it? Am I willing to change the way I feel now by changing
the way things will be? If I can see the new me and have the desire to bring
it into reality even if I have to confront some pain I am establishing the why
or the motive for doing it. My desire is the what, my motivation is the why.
Why do you want to pursue a better level of fitness over 40? The answer is
important for you to establish before you begin.

Developing Commitment

The process of developing commitment is where desire and motivation come
together in a powerful combination like a one-two punch on the button.
Armed with desire and motivation you can bring their power to bear in
developing commitment. You will know you have developed commitment
when you feel the drive, persistence and determination to bring your dream
into reality. It might be to run a 10k race or produce a better physique, who
knows? Whatever your dream is if it is lasting and worth pursuing it will
require a commitment on your part. At some point during the process your
commitment will be tested and its power will either fade or propel you closer
toward achieving your goals.

Setting Long and Short Term Goals

Many people pursuing a higher level of fitness over 40 have found that you
can’t accomplish everything at once and certainly not overnight. Some
results will come almost immediately but others may take several years to
accomplish. It all depends on what your personal training goals are. The
simple goals can be established just by writing them down in order of
priority and achievability. The easy ones come first then they get more
difficult as you go down the list. Make out that list tonight. Some goals you
might not be able to set by yourself, in that case consult with a fitness
trainer, one that specializes in fitness over 40 and get the help you need. A
consultation with your physician to let them know what actions you are>>>
taking might not be a bad idea either.

Taking Action
All the steps we have taken up to now have been building blocks for
accomplishing one thing; your desire. A sincere desire requires motivation; a
reason why you are going to do it. An authentic commitment to see it
through will give you the determination to reach the finish line. The short
and long term goals you set are the roadmap to that the finish line. Now
comes the time to take action by putting one foot in front of the other and
begin your journey towards a better level of fitness over 40.

An 8 Week Fitness Training Program

By: William M. Whitmire

William M. Whitmire is a 25 year veteran owner of a fitness and martial arts academy.
 He has written numerous books, training manuals, articles and curriculum lessons for
hundreds of enthusiasts. If you’d like to have a customized book written for your interest
contact him at:
