Calories in Vegetables

It is important to know how many calories vegetables because there is a big difference between how many calories in the various vegetables. I have made that mistake before and was wondering why I was not losing weight.

Vegetable Calorie Chart Alphabetical

Food Description portion  Calories  Calorie Cash protein (g) fat (g) fiber g. carb
1037 Alfalfa sprouts, raw................... 1 cup . 10 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Artichokes, cooked, drained.................... 1 cup  84 0.75 6 Tr 9.1 19
      1 medium .......... 60 0.5 4 Tr 6.5 13
Asparagus, From raw .............................. 1 cup  43 0.5 5 1 2.9 8
Asparagus, Canned 5" drained...................... 1 cup  46 0.5 5 2 3.9 6
……………………………………………... 4 spears 14 0.25 2 Tr 1.2 2
Bamboo shoots, canned, drained............................ 1 cup 25 0.25 2 1 1.8 4
Lima Beans, Ford hooks............................ 1 cup  170 1.75 10 1 9.9 32
Baby limas ........................... 1 cup  189 2 12 1 10.8 35
Beans, Snap Beans Green, from raw....................... 1 cup  44 0.5 2 Tr 4 10
Snap Beans Green............................... 1 cup 38 0.5 2 Tr 4.1 9
Snap Beans Green, from can................................. 1 cup  27 0.25 2 Tr 2.6 6
Bean sprouts (mung), Cooked, drained.................... 1 cup 26 0.25 3 Tr 1.5 5
Beets Slices .................................... 1 cup 75 0.75 3 Tr 3.4 17
Beets ,canned Slices .................................... 1 cup  53 0.5 2 Tr 2.9 12
Beet greens,  drained, 1" pieces…….. 1 cup  39 0.5 4 Tr 4.2 8
Black eyed peas ............................ 1 cup  224 2.25 14 1 10.9 40
Broccoli Chopped or diced raw ................. 1 cup 25 0.25 3 Tr 2.6 5
Broccoli Chopped, cooked............................ 1 cup  44 0.5 5 1 4.5 8
Broccoli From frozen, chopped, cooked........ 1 cup  52 0.5 6 Tr 5.5 10
Brussels sprouts, cooked, ................. 1 cup  65 0.75 6 1 6.4 13
Cabbage, Raw ...................................... 1 cup  18 0.25 1 Tr 1.6 4
Cabbage, Cooked, drained...................... 1 cup  33 0.25 2 1 3.5 7
Carrot juice, canned .................. 1 cup  94 1 2 Tr 1.9 22
Carrots Raw, Grated................................... 1 cup  47 0.5 1 Tr 3.3 11
Carrots Raw,  Baby ..................................... 1 medium  4 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Carrots Cooked,  .............................. 1 cup  70 0.75 2 Tr 5.1 16
Cauliflower Cooked, .......................... 1 cup  34 0.25 3 Tr 4.9 7
Celery  Stalk, medium ...................... 1 stalk  7 0 Tr Tr 0.6 2
Celery Cooked, Pieces, diced......................... 1 cup  27 0.25 1 Tr 2.4 6
Chives, raw, chopped ................ 1 tbsp 1 0 Tr Tr 0.1 Tr
Collards, cooked, drained,  .................... 1 cup  61 0.5 5 1 4.8 12
Corn, sweet, yellow, Cooked,  kernels on cob .... 1 ear  83 0.75 3 1 2.2 19
Corn, from frozen Kernels............................... 1 cup  131 1.25 5 1 3.9 32
Corn, Canned Cream style .......................... 1 cup  184 1.75 4 1 3.1 46
Cucumber Peeled Sliced.................................... 1 cup  14 0.25 1 Tr 0.8 3
Cucumber Sliced.................................... 1 cup  14 0.25 1 Tr 0.8 3
Cucumber Whole, 8 1/4" long.................. 1 large 39 0.5 2 Tr 2.4 8
Dandelion greens, cooked, drained....................... 1 cup  35 0.25 2 1 3 7
Eggplant, cooked, drained ........ 1 cup  28 0.25 1 Tr 2.5 7
Endive, curly (including escarole,raw, pieces........... 1 cup  9 0 1 Tr 1.6 2
Hearts of palm, canned ............. 1 piece  9 0 1 Tr 0.8 2
Jerusalem artichoke, raw, sliced .................. 1 cup  114 1.25 3 Tr 2.4 26
Kale, cooked, drained, chopped …........... 1 cup 39 0.5 4 1 2.6 7
Kohlrabi, cooked, drained, slices................... 1 cup  48 0.5 3 Tr 1.8 11
Leeks, diced, cooked, drained......... 1 cup  32 0.25 1 Tr 1 8
Lettuce, raw  Leaf (Butterhead, Boston)  5" dia ....... 1 head  21 0.25 2 Tr 1.6 4
Lettuce, raw,  Crisphead, as iceberg  Head, 6" dia ..1 head  65 0.75 5 1 7.5 11
Lettuce, raw,  Crisphead, as iceberg chopped ........ 1 cup 7 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Lettuce, raw, Looseleaf,  Leaf ................................ 1 leaf 2 0 Tr Tr 0.2 Tr
Lettuce, raw, Looseleaf,  Pieces, shredded............. 1 cup  10 0 1 Tr 1.1 2
Lettuce,raw, Romaine or cos Pieces, shredded...... 1 cup  8 0 1 Tr 1 1
Mushrooms Cooked, drained, pieces ......... 1 cup  42 0.5 3 1 3.4 8
Mushrooms, shiitake Cooked pieces....................... 1 cup  80 0.75 2 Tr 3 21
Mushrooms, shiitake Dried ............................ 1 mushroom  11 0 Tr Tr 0.4 3
Mustard greens, cooked, drained............................... 1 cup  21 0.25 3 Tr 2.8 3
Okra, sliced, cooked, drained From frozen ............ 1 cup  52 0.5 4 1 5.2 11
Onions Raw Chopped ............................... 1 cup  61 0.5 2 Tr 2.9 14
Onions Cooked drained ............................... 1 cup  92 1 3 Tr 2.9 21
Onions Cooked 1 medium  41 0.5 1 Tr 1.3 10
Onions Dehydrated flakes................... 1 tbsp  17 0.25 Tr Tr 0.5 4
Onions Spring raw Chopped .................................. 1 cup  32 0.25 2 Tr 2.6 7
Onion rings, 2"-3" dia  fried, frozen, oven heated ...10 rings 244 2.5 3 16 ..8 23
Parsnips, sliced, cooked, drained......................... 1 cup  126 1.25 2 Tr 6.2 30
Peas, edible pod, cooked,  .................... 1 cup  83 0.75 6 1 5 14
Peas, green  boiled, drained........... 1 cup  125 1.25 8 Tr 8.8 23
Peppers, Hot Chili, raw Green or red .................. 1 pepper 18 0.25 1 Tr 0.7 4
Jalapeno, canned, solids and liquids............... 1/4 cup 7 0 Tr Tr 0.7 1
Green or Red Pepper Chopped .......................... 1 cup  40 0.5 1 Tr 2.7 10
Green Pepper whole (2 1/4"x 2 1/2").................... 1 pepper 32 0.25 1 Tr 2.1 8
Red Pepper whole (2 1/4"x 2 1/2")........................ 1 pepper 32 0.25 1 Tr 2.4 8
Green or Red Pepper cooked ................................. 1 cup  38 0.5 1 Tr 1.6 9
Baked Potato With skin (2 1/3" x 4 3/4")............... 1 potato 220 2.25 5 Tr 4.8 51
Baked Potato Flesh only............................. 1 potato 145 1.5 3 Tr 2.3 34
Baked Potato Skin only .............................. 1 skin  115 1.25 2 Tr 4.6 27
Potato Boiled (2 1/2") Peeled after boiling.............. 1 potato 118 1.25 3 Tr 2.4 27
Potato Au gratin @ whole milk, butter mix ................. 1 cup  228 2.25 6 10 2.2 31
Potato Au gratin @ whole milk, butter home recipe... 1 cup  323 3.25 12 19 4.4 28
French fried, frozen, oven heated................ 10 strips 100 1 2 4 1.6 16
Hashed brown From home recipe ................ 1 cup  326 3.25 4 22 3.1 33
Mashed Potatoes from flakes @ whole milk, butter... 1 cup  237 2.25 4 12 4.8 32
Mashed Potatoes home recipe With whole milk ....... 1 cup  162 1.5 4 1 4.2 37
Mashed Potatoes  With whole milk, margarine….. 1 cup  223 2.25 4 9 4.2 35
Potato pancakes, home prepared................... 1 pancake 207 2 5 12 1.5 22
Potato salad, home prepared .. …..1 cup  358 3.5 7 21 3.3 28
Scalloped Potatoes from mix, milk, butter ................. 1 cup  228 2.25 5 11 2.7 31
Scalloped Potatoes from home recipe milk, butter.. 1 cup  211 2 7 9 4.7 26
Pumpkin Cooked, mashed...................... 1 cup  49 0.5 2 Tr 2.7 12
Pumpkin Canned .................................... 1 cup  83 0.75 3 1 7.1 20
Radishes, raw (3/4" to 1" dia) …….... 1 radish 1 0 Tr Tr 0.1 Tr
Rutabagas, cooked, drained, cubes.......................... 1 cup  66 0.75 2 Tr 3.1 15
Sauerkraut, canned, solids and liquid ....................... 1 cup  45 0.5 2 Tr 5.9 10
Seaweed Kelp, raw................................. 2 tbsp  4 0 Tr Tr 0.1 1
Spirulina, dried ....................... 1 tbsp  3 0 Tr Tr Tr Tr
Shallots, raw, chopped .............. 1 tbsp 7 0 Tr Tr 0.2 2
Soybeans, green, cooked, drained.............................. 1 cup  254 2.5 22 12 7.6 20
Spinach Raw Chopped ....................... 1 cup  7 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Spinach Cooked, drained ........................... 1 cup  41 0.5 5 Tr 4.3 7
Squash Cooked, drained ................... 1 cup  36 0.25 2 1 2.5 8
Squash Winter (all varieties), baked, cubes .............. 1 cup  80 0.75 2 1 5.7 18
Squash Winter, butternut, frozen, cooked, mashed ... 1 cup  94 1 3 Tr 2.2 24
Sweetpotatoes Baked, with skin .................. 1 potato 150 1.5 3 Tr 4.4 35
Sweetpotatoes Boiled, without skin............. 1 potato 164 1.75 3 Tr 2.8 38
Sweetpotatoes Candied (2Z\x" x 2" piece)....... 1 piece  144 1.5 1 3 2.5 29
Sweetpotatoes Canned Syrup pack, drained ............. 1 cup  212 2 3 1 5.9 50
Tomatillos, raw.......................... 1 medium 11 0 Tr Tr 0.6 2
Tomatoes Raw Chopped or sliced ................ 1 cup  38 0.5 2 1 2 8
Tomatoes Slice, medium,1/8 " thick...... 1 slice  4 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Tomatoes Cherry ................................ 1 cherry  4 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Tomatoes whole Medium,.............. 1 tomato  26 0.25 1 Tr 1.4 6
Tomatoes Canned, solids and liquid ....... 1 cup  46 0.5 2 Tr 2.4 10
Tomatoes Sun dried Plain...................................... 1 piece 5 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Tomatoes Packed in oil, drained .......... 1 piece  6 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Tomato juice, canned, with salt added ........... 1 cup  41 0.5 2 Tr 1 10
Tomato  Paste ...................................... 1 cup  215 2.25 10 1 10.7 51
Tomato Puree ...................................... 1 cup  100 1 4 Tr 5 24
Tomato Sauce ...................................... 1 cup  74 0.75 3 Tr 3.4 18
Tomato Stewed..................................... 1 cup  71 0.75 2 Tr 2.6 17
Turnips, cooked, cubes.............. 1 cup  33 0.25 1 Tr 3.1 8
Turnip greens, cooked, drained .............. 1 cup  29 0.25 2 Tr 5 6
Vegetable juice cocktail, canned ................................. 1 cup 46 0.5 2 Tr 1.9 11
Vegetables, mixed Canned, drained...................... 1 cup  77 0.75 4 Tr 4.9 15
Vegetables, mixed Frozen, cooked, drained ......... 1 cup 107 1 5 Tr 8 24
Waterchestnuts, canned, slices,solids and liquids ... 1 cup  70 0.75 1 Tr 3.5 17

Calorie Chart of Vegetables
(Lowest to Highest Calories)

Food Description portion  Calories  Calorie Cash protein (g) fat (g) fiber g. carb
Chives, raw, chopped ................ 1 tbsp 1 0 Tr Tr 0.1 Tr
Radishes, raw (3/4" to 1" dia) …….... 1 radish 1 0 Tr Tr 0.1 Tr
Lettuce, raw, Looseleaf,  Leaf ................................ 1 leaf 2 0 Tr Tr 0.2 Tr
Spirulina, dried ....................... 1 tbsp  3 0 Tr Tr Tr Tr
Carrots Raw,  Baby ..................................... 1 medium  4 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Seaweed Kelp, raw................................. 2 tbsp  4 0 Tr Tr 0.1 1
Tomatoes Slice, medium,1/8 " thick...... 1 slice  4 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Tomatoes Cherry ................................ 1 cherry  4 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Tomatoes Sun dried Plain...................................... 1 piece 5 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Tomatoes Packed in oil, drained .......... 1 piece  6 0 Tr Tr 0.2 1
Celery  Stalk, medium ...................... 1 stalk  7 0 Tr Tr 0.6 2
Lettuce, raw,  Crisphead, as iceberg chopped ........ 1 cup 7 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Jalapeno, canned, solids and liquids............... 1/4 cup 7 0 Tr Tr 0.7 1
Shallots, raw, chopped .............. 1 tbsp 7 0 Tr Tr 0.2 2
Spinach Raw Chopped ....................... 1 cup  7 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Lettuce,raw, Romaine or cos Pieces, shredded...... 1 cup  8 0 1 Tr 1 1
Endive, curly (including escarole,raw, pieces........... 1 cup  9 0 1 Tr 1.6 2
Hearts of palm, canned ............. 1 piece  9 0 1 Tr 0.8 2
1037 Alfalfa sprouts, raw................... 1 cup . 10 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Lettuce, raw, Looseleaf,  Pieces, shredded............. 1 cup  10 0 1 Tr 1.1 2
Mushrooms, shiitake Dried ............................ 1 mushroom  11 0 Tr Tr 0.4 3
Tomatillos, raw.......................... 1 medium 11 0 Tr Tr 0.6 2
……………………………………………... 4 spears 14 0.25 2 Tr 1.2 2
Cucumber Peeled Sliced.................................... 1 cup  14 0.25 1 Tr 0.8 3
Cucumber Sliced.................................... 1 cup  14 0.25 1 Tr 0.8 3
Onions Dehydrated flakes................... 1 tbsp  17 0.25 Tr Tr 0.5 4
Cabbage, Raw ...................................... 1 cup  18 0.25 1 Tr 1.6 4
Peppers, Hot Chili, raw Green or red .................. 1 pepper 18 0.25 1 Tr 0.7 4
Lettuce, raw  Leaf (Butterhead, Boston)  5" dia ....... 1 head  21 0.25 2 Tr 1.6 4
Mustard greens, cooked, drained............................... 1 cup  21 0.25 3 Tr 2.8 3
Bamboo shoots, canned, drained............................ 1 cup 25 0.25 2 1 1.8 4
Broccoli Chopped or diced raw ................. 1 cup 25 0.25 3 Tr 2.6 5
Bean sprouts (mung), Cooked, drained.................... 1 cup 26 0.25 3 Tr 1.5 5
Tomatoes whole Medium,.............. 1 tomato  26 0.25 1 Tr 1.4 6
Snap Beans Green, from can................................. 1 cup  27 0.25 2 Tr 2.6 6
Celery Cooked, Pieces, diced......................... 1 cup  27 0.25 1 Tr 2.4 6
Eggplant, cooked, drained ........ 1 cup  28 0.25 1 Tr 2.5 7
Turnip greens, cooked, drained .............. 1 cup  29 0.25 2 Tr 5 6
Leeks, diced, cooked, drained......... 1 cup  32 0.25 1 Tr 1 8
Onions Spring raw Chopped .................................. 1 cup  32 0.25 2 Tr 2.6 7
Green Pepper whole (2 1/4"x 2 1/2").................... 1 pepper 32 0.25 1 Tr 2.1 8
Red Pepper whole (2 1/4"x 2 1/2")........................ 1 pepper 32 0.25 1 Tr 2.4 8
Cabbage, Cooked, drained...................... 1 cup  33 0.25 2 1 3.5 7
Turnips, cooked, cubes.............. 1 cup  33 0.25 1 Tr 3.1 8
Cauliflower Cooked, .......................... 1 cup  34 0.25 3 Tr 4.9 7
Dandelion greens, cooked, drained....................... 1 cup  35 0.25 2 1 3 7
Squash Cooked, drained ................... 1 cup  36 0.25 2 1 2.5 8
Snap Beans Green............................... 1 cup 38 0.5 2 Tr 4.1 9
Green or Red Pepper cooked ................................. 1 cup  38 0.5 1 Tr 1.6 9
Tomatoes Raw Chopped or sliced ................ 1 cup  38 0.5 2 1 2 8
Beet greens,  drained, 1" pieces…….. 1 cup  39 0.5 4 Tr 4.2 8
Cucumber Whole, 8 1/4" long.................. 1 large 39 0.5 2 Tr 2.4 8
Kale, cooked, drained, chopped …........... 1 cup 39 0.5 4 1 2.6 7
Green or Red Pepper Chopped .......................... 1 cup  40 0.5 1 Tr 2.7 10
Onions Cooked 1 medium  41 0.5 1 Tr 1.3 10
Spinach Cooked, drained ........................... 1 cup  41 0.5 5 Tr 4.3 7
Tomato juice, canned, with salt added ........... 1 cup  41 0.5 2 Tr 1 10
Mushrooms Cooked, drained, pieces ......... 1 cup  42 0.5 3 1 3.4 8
Asparagus, From raw .............................. 1 cup  43 0.5 5 1 2.9 8
Beans, Snap Beans Green, from raw....................... 1 cup  44 0.5 2 Tr 4 10
Broccoli Chopped, cooked............................ 1 cup  44 0.5 5 1 4.5 8
Sauerkraut, canned, solids and liquid ....................... 1 cup  45 0.5 2 Tr 5.9 10
Asparagus, Canned 5" drained...................... 1 cup  46 0.5 5 2 3.9 6
Tomatoes Canned, solids and liquid ....... 1 cup  46 0.5 2 Tr 2.4 10
Vegetable juice cocktail, canned ................................. 1 cup 46 0.5 2 Tr 1.9 11
Carrots Raw, Grated................................... 1 cup  47 0.5 1 Tr 3.3 11
Kohlrabi, cooked, drained, slices................... 1 cup  48 0.5 3 Tr 1.8 11
Pumpkin Cooked, mashed...................... 1 cup  49 0.5 2 Tr 2.7 12
Broccoli From frozen, chopped, cooked........ 1 cup  52 0.5 6 Tr 5.5 10
Okra, sliced, cooked, drained From frozen ............ 1 cup  52 0.5 4 1 5.2 11
Beets ,canned Slices .................................... 1 cup  53 0.5 2 Tr 2.9 12
      1 medium .......... 60 0.5 4 Tr 6.5 13
Collards, cooked, drained,  .................... 1 cup  61 0.5 5 1 4.8 12
Onions Raw Chopped ............................... 1 cup  61 0.5 2 Tr 2.9 14
Brussels sprouts, cooked, ................. 1 cup  65 0.75 6 1 6.4 13
Lettuce, raw,  Crisphead, as iceberg  Head, 6" dia ..1 head  65 0.75 5 1 7.5 11
Rutabagas, cooked, drained, cubes.......................... 1 cup  66 0.75 2 Tr 3.1 15
Carrots Cooked,  .............................. 1 cup  70 0.75 2 Tr 5.1 16
Waterchestnuts, canned, slices,solids and liquids ... 1 cup  70 0.75 1 Tr 3.5 17
Tomato Stewed..................................... 1 cup  71 0.75 2 Tr 2.6 17
Tomato Sauce ...................................... 1 cup  74 0.75 3 Tr 3.4 18
Beets Slices .................................... 1 cup 75 0.75 3 Tr 3.4 17
Vegetables, mixed Canned, drained...................... 1 cup  77 0.75 4 Tr 4.9 15
Mushrooms, shiitake Cooked pieces....................... 1 cup  80 0.75 2 Tr 3 21
Squash Winter (all varieties), baked, cubes .............. 1 cup  80 0.75 2 1 5.7 18
Corn, sweet, yellow, Cooked,  kernels on cob .... 1 ear  83 0.75 3 1 2.2 19
Peas, edible pod, cooked,  .................... 1 cup  83 0.75 6 1 5 14
Pumpkin Canned .................................... 1 cup  83 0.75 3 1 7.1 20
Artichokes, cooked, drained.................... 1 cup  84 0.75 6 Tr 9.1 19
Onions Cooked drained ............................... 1 cup  92 1 3 Tr 2.9 21
Carrot juice, canned .................. 1 cup  94 1 2 Tr 1.9 22
Squash Winter, butternut, frozen, cooked, mashed ... 1 cup  94 1 3 Tr 2.2 24
French fried, frozen, oven heated................ 10 strips 100 1 2 4 1.6 16
Tomato Puree ...................................... 1 cup  100 1 4 Tr 5 24
Vegetables, mixed Frozen, cooked, drained ......... 1 cup 107 1 5 Tr 8 24
Jerusalem artichoke, raw, sliced .................. 1 cup  114 1.25 3 Tr 2.4 26
Baked Potato Skin only .............................. 1 skin  115 1.25 2 Tr 4.6 27
Potato Boiled (2 1/2") Peeled after boiling.............. 1 potato 118 1.25 3 Tr 2.4 27
Peas, green  boiled, drained........... 1 cup  125 1.25 8 Tr 8.8 23
Parsnips, sliced, cooked, drained......................... 1 cup  126 1.25 2 Tr 6.2 30
Corn, from frozen Kernels............................... 1 cup  131 1.25 5 1 3.9 32
Sweetpotatoes Candied (2Z\x" x 2" piece)....... 1 piece  144 1.5 1 3 2.5 29
Baked Potato Flesh only............................. 1 potato 145 1.5 3 Tr 2.3 34
Sweetpotatoes Baked, with skin .................. 1 potato 150 1.5 3 Tr 4.4 35
Mashed Potatoes home recipe With whole milk ....... 1 cup  162 1.5 4 1 4.2 37
Sweetpotatoes Boiled, without skin............. 1 potato 164 1.75 3 Tr 2.8 38
Lima Beans, Ford hooks............................ 1 cup  170 1.75 10 1 9.9 32
Corn, Canned Cream style .......................... 1 cup  184 1.75 4 1 3.1 46
Baby limas ........................... 1 cup  189 2 12 1 10.8 35
Potato pancakes, home prepared................... 1 pancake 207 2 5 12 1.5 22
Scalloped Potatoes from home recipe milk, butter.. 1 cup  211 2 7 9 4.7 26
Sweetpotatoes Canned Syrup pack, drained ............. 1 cup  212 2 3 1 5.9 50
Tomato  Paste ...................................... 1 cup  215 2.25 10 1 10.7 51
Baked Potato With skin (2 1/3" x 4 3/4")............... 1 potato 220 2.25 5 Tr 4.8 51
Mashed Potatoes  With whole milk, margarine….. 1 cup  223 2.25 4 9 4.2 35
Black eyed peas ............................ 1 cup  224 2.25 14 1 10.9 40
Potato Au gratin @ whole milk, butter mix ................. 1 cup  228 2.25 6 10 2.2 31
Scalloped Potatoes from mix, milk, butter ................. 1 cup  228 2.25 5 11 2.7 31
Mashed Potatoes from flakes @ whole milk, butter... 1 cup  237 2.25 4 12 4.8 32
Onion rings, 2"-3" dia  fried, frozen, oven heated ...10 rings 244 2.5 3 16 ..8 23
Soybeans, green, cooked, drained.............................. 1 cup  254 2.5 22 12 7.6 20
Potato Au gratin @ whole milk, butter home recipe... 1 cup  323 3.25 12 19 4.4 28
Hashed brown From home recipe ................ 1 cup  326 3.25 4 22 3.1 33
Potato salad, home prepared .. …..1 cup  358 3.5 7 21 3.3 28

Chart of Calories in One Cup of Vegetables

Food Description portion  Calories  Calorie Cash protein (g) fat (g) fiber g. carb
1037 Alfalfa sprouts, raw................... 1 cup . 10 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Artichokes, cooked, drained.................... 1 cup  84 0.75 6 Tr 9.1 19
Asparagus, From raw .............................. 1 cup  43 0.5 5 1 2.9 8
Asparagus, Canned 5" drained...................... 1 cup  46 0.5 5 2 3.9 6
Bamboo shoots, canned, drained............................ 1 cup 25 0.25 2 1 1.8 4
Lima Beans, Ford hooks............................ 1 cup  170 1.75 10 1 9.9 32
Baby limas ........................... 1 cup  189 2 12 1 10.8 35
Beans, Snap Beans Green, from raw....................... 1 cup  44 0.5 2 Tr 4 10
Snap Beans Green............................... 1 cup 38 0.5 2 Tr 4.1 9
Snap Beans Green, from can................................. 1 cup  27 0.25 2 Tr 2.6 6
Bean sprouts (mung), Cooked, drained.................... 1 cup 26 0.25 3 Tr 1.5 5
Beets Slices .................................... 1 cup 75 0.75 3 Tr 3.4 17
Beets ,canned Slices .................................... 1 cup  53 0.5 2 Tr 2.9 12
Beet greens,  drained, 1" pieces…….. 1 cup  39 0.5 4 Tr 4.2 8
Black eyed peas ............................ 1 cup  224 2.25 14 1 10.9 40
Broccoli Chopped or diced raw ................. 1 cup 25 0.25 3 Tr 2.6 5
Broccoli Chopped, cooked............................ 1 cup  44 0.5 5 1 4.5 8
Broccoli From frozen, chopped, cooked........ 1 cup  52 0.5 6 Tr 5.5 10
Brussels sprouts, cooked, ................. 1 cup  65 0.75 6 1 6.4 13
Cabbage, Raw ...................................... 1 cup  18 0.25 1 Tr 1.6 4
Cabbage, Cooked, drained...................... 1 cup  33 0.25 2 1 3.5 7
Carrot juice, canned .................. 1 cup  94 1 2 Tr 1.9 22
Carrots Raw, Grated................................... 1 cup  47 0.5 1 Tr 3.3 11
Carrots Cooked,  .............................. 1 cup  70 0.75 2 Tr 5.1 16
Cauliflower Cooked, .......................... 1 cup  34 0.25 3 Tr 4.9 7
Celery Cooked, Pieces, diced......................... 1 cup  27 0.25 1 Tr 2.4 6
Collards, cooked, drained,  .................... 1 cup  61 0.5 5 1 4.8 12
Corn, from frozen Kernels............................... 1 cup  131 1.25 5 1 3.9 32
Corn, Canned Cream style .......................... 1 cup  184 1.75 4 1 3.1 46
Cucumber Peeled Sliced.................................... 1 cup  14 0.25 1 Tr 0.8 3
Cucumber Sliced.................................... 1 cup  14 0.25 1 Tr 0.8 3
Dandelion greens, cooked, drained....................... 1 cup  35 0.25 2 1 3 7
Eggplant, cooked, drained ........ 1 cup  28 0.25 1 Tr 2.5 7
Endive, curly (including escarole,raw, pieces........... 1 cup  9 0 1 Tr 1.6 2
Jerusalem artichoke, raw, sliced .................. 1 cup  114 1.25 3 Tr 2.4 26
Kale, cooked, drained, chopped …........... 1 cup 39 0.5 4 1 2.6 7
Kohlrabi, cooked, drained, slices................... 1 cup  48 0.5 3 Tr 1.8 11
Leeks, diced, cooked, drained......... 1 cup  32 0.25 1 Tr 1 8
Lettuce, raw,  Crisphead, as iceberg chopped ........ 1 cup 7 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Lettuce, raw, Looseleaf,  Pieces, shredded............. 1 cup  10 0 1 Tr 1.1 2
Lettuce,raw, Romaine or cos Pieces, shredded...... 1 cup  8 0 1 Tr 1 1
Mushrooms Cooked, drained, pieces ......... 1 cup  42 0.5 3 1 3.4 8
Mushrooms, shiitake Cooked pieces....................... 1 cup  80 0.75 2 Tr 3 21
Mustard greens, cooked, drained............................... 1 cup  21 0.25 3 Tr 2.8 3
Okra, sliced, cooked, drained From frozen ............ 1 cup  52 0.5 4 1 5.2 11
Onions Raw Chopped ............................... 1 cup  61 0.5 2 Tr 2.9 14
Onions Cooked drained ............................... 1 cup  92 1 3 Tr 2.9 21
Onions Dehydrated flakes................... 1 tbsp  17 0.25 Tr Tr 0.5 4
Onions Spring raw Chopped .................................. 1 cup  32 0.25 2 Tr 2.6 7
Parsnips, sliced, cooked, drained......................... 1 cup  126 1.25 2 Tr 6.2 30
Peas, edible pod, cooked,  .................... 1 cup  83 0.75 6 1 5 14
Peas, green  boiled, drained........... 1 cup  125 1.25 8 Tr 8.8 23
Jalapeno, canned, solids and liquids............... 1 cup 28 0.25 Tr Tr 2.8 4
Green or Red Pepper Chopped .......................... 1 cup  40 0.5 1 Tr 2.7 10
Green or Red Pepper cooked ................................. 1 cup  38 0.5 1 Tr 1.6 9
Potato Au gratin @ whole milk, butter mix ................. 1 cup  228 2.25 6 10 2.2 31
Potato Au gratin @ whole milk, butter home recipe... 1 cup  323 3.25 12 19 4.4 28
Hashed brown From home recipe ................ 1 cup  326 3.25 4 22 3.1 33
Mashed Potatoes from flakes @ whole milk, butter... 1 cup  237 2.25 4 12 4.8 32
Mashed Potatoes home recipe With whole milk ....... 1 cup  162 1.5 4 1 4.2 37
Mashed Potatoes  With whole milk, margarine….. 1 cup  223 2.25 4 9 4.2 35
Potato salad, home prepared .. …..1 cup  358 3.5 7 21 3.3 28
Scalloped Potatoes from mix, milk, butter ................. 1 cup  228 2.25 5 11 2.7 31
Scalloped Potatoes from home recipe milk, butter.. 1 cup  211 2 7 9 4.7 26
Pumpkin Cooked, mashed...................... 1 cup  49 0.5 2 Tr 2.7 12
Pumpkin Canned .................................... 1 cup  83 0.75 3 1 7.1 20
Rutabagas, cooked, drained, cubes.......................... 1 cup  66 0.75 2 Tr 3.1 15
Sauerkraut, canned, solids and liquid ....................... 1 cup  45 0.5 2 Tr 5.9 10
Seaweed Kelp, raw.................................1 cup 32 0.25 Tr Tr 0.1 16
Spirulina, dried ....................... 1 cup 48 0.5 Tr Tr Tr Tr
Shallots, raw, chopped .............. 1 cup 112 1 Tr Tr 3.2 32
Soybeans, green, cooked, drained.............................. 1 cup  254 2.5 22 12 7.6 20
Spinach Raw Chopped ....................... 1 cup  7 0 1 Tr 0.8 1
Spinach Cooked, drained ........................... 1 cup  41 0.5 5 Tr 4.3 7
Squash Cooked, drained ................... 1 cup  36 0.25 2 1 2.5 8
Squash Winter (all varieties), baked, cubes .............. 1 cup  80 0.75 2 1 5.7 18
Squash Winter, butternut, frozen, cooked, mashed ... 1 cup  94 1 3 Tr 2.2 24
Sweetpotatoes Canned Syrup pack, drained ............. 1 cup  212 2 3 1 5.9 50
Tomatoes Raw Chopped or sliced ................ 1 cup  38 0.5 2 1 2 8
Tomatoes Canned, solids and liquid ....... 1 cup  46 0.5 2 Tr 2.4 10
Tomato juice, canned, with salt added ........... 1 cup  41 0.5 2 Tr 1 10
Tomato  Paste ...................................... 1 cup  215 2.25 10 1 10.7 51
Tomato Puree ...................................... 1 cup  100 1 4 Tr 5 24
Tomato Sauce ...................................... 1 cup  74 0.75 3 Tr 3.4 18
Tomato Stewed..................................... 1 cup  71 0.75 2 Tr 2.6 17
Turnips, cooked, cubes.............. 1 cup  33 0.25 1 Tr 3.1 8
Turnip greens, cooked, drained .............. 1 cup  29 0.25 2 Tr 5 6
Vegetable juice cocktail, canned ................................. 1 cup 46 0.5 2 Tr 1.9 11
Vegetables, mixed Canned, drained...................... 1 cup  77 0.75 4 Tr 4.9 15
Vegetables, mixed Frozen, cooked, drained ......... 1 cup 107 1 5 Tr 8 24
Waterchestnuts, canned, slices,solids and liquids ... 1 cup  70 0.75 1 Tr 3.5 17